“Despite America being known as a “melting pot” for its diverse population, healthcare spotlights a more significant issue in diversity. Healthcare is a highly evidence-based practice that uses data in nearly every aspect, from diagnosis to treatment to pharmaceutical and medical device testing. Yet, profound racial disparities have become the ‘norm’ due to a lack of evidence.
Only 14 percent of daily medical decisions are made based on high-quality evidence. That evidence is derived from 30 percent of the U.S. population, as 70 percent of the U.S. population is excluded from clinical trials.”
Penned by Atropos Health CEO and Co-Founder Dr. Brigham Hyde, this article highlights the ability to advance precision medicine through the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). By leveraging AI, Dr. Hyde demonstrates how healthcare providers and organizations can address the limitations of traditional clinical trials and generate high-quality, real-world evidence to inform better clinical decisions. Learn how AI-powered platforms are designed to analyze diverse patient populations and uncover actionable insights that will ultimately improve patient outcomes for all.